Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Justice M Sandel

1. Economics does not differentiate between ability and willingness to pay.

2. Valuing something inappropriately. I.e. in non monetary terms is degrading it. Why should traffic in human beings not be allowed.

3. Difference between fee and fine. Fine registers opprobrium of society.

4. Coercion and bribery. Bribery like bribing a judge is saying something i.e. the verdict should not be up for sale.

5. Coercion means under what circumstances is a transaction really 'free' ? That the person had a realistic chance of saying no. Take advantage of say things like poverty.

6. Two objections to say prostitution - coercion and corruption. Cooperation objection means that very few women would do it voluntarily.  They are cooerced into it by say poverty. Corruption means it is inherently degrading to women.

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